India Visa for Sri Lankans

Updated on Jul 22, 2024 | Indian e-Visa

India has always been a friendly nation. In particular, Indians enjoy welcoming their Sri Lankan neighbors. Since this is an era of electronic visas, Sri Lankan citizens can apply for an Indian e-Visa to enter India. Its convenience and straightforward application process ease the whole procedure.

Here is How Sri Lankan Citizens can Obtain an Indian e-Visa

Application Process

What are the common Indian e-Visa Types?

Below are the major Indian e-Visa types:

Tourist e-Visas are for those who love to visit India as tourists and those who travel to India to visit family/friends, for recreational purposes, short-term courses, etc. There are 3 kinds of Indian Tourist e-Visas.

  • 1-Month
  • 1-Year
  • 5-Year

A one-month Tourist e-Visa is valid for 30 days, allows for double admissions, and allows for a 30-day continuous stay. A one-year tourist e-Visa is valid for 365 days, allows for multiple entries, and has a 90-day stay limit. Furthermore, the 5-year tourist e-Visa is valid for 5 years and allows for repeated entries and a continuous stay of 90 days.

Indian Business e-Visa for Sri Lankan citizens is for those Sri Lankan Business Professionals who love to visit India for Business meetings, Purchase/sales, attend trade fairs/expos, etc. It has 1 year of validity, multiple entries allowed, and 180 days of continuous stay also permitted.

Indian Medical e-Visas are for those who wish to get medical treatments from India. Indian Medical Attendant e-Visas are for those accompanying patients (medical e-Visa holders) to India. Both e-Visa holders have 6 days of e-Visa validity, triple entries and continuous stays up to 60 days are allowed.

Indian E-Conference Visa is for those professionals visiting India to attend conferences, webinars, etc. This e-Visa type has 30 days of validity, single entry, and a length of stay of up to 30 days allowed.

Supporting Documents

To obtain an Indian e-Visa, Sri Lankan citizens should have some essential documents. Some are fundamental for all e-Visa types. Except for the Indian Tourist e-Visa other e-Visa types should have additional documents.

Fundamental Documents

  • Valid Passport
  • Recent Passport-style photo
  • Valid & active email address
  • Financial Proof like bank statements, paychecks, etc are allowed.
  • Debit/Credit Card to make final payment

Additional Documents

  • Business e-Visa - Business card, Invitation letter, Detailed document of Indian organization they are visiting.
  • Medical e-Visa - Letter from the hospital, Medical record, Detailed document of the Indian hospital they are visiting.
  • Medical Attendant e-Visa - Escorting permission letter, patient’s medical record, Detailed document of the Indian hospital they are visiting, Relationship proof
  • E-Conference Visa - Political & Event Clearance, Invitation letter.

Entry & Exit Options

Sri Lankan citizens can enter India by Air & Sea. However, they can exit India by Land, Rail, Air, and Sea. There is a list of authorized entry & exit points. Please check the list often, it undergoes a periodic updation.

Extension & Renewal

Indian medical e-Visa can be extended in emergencies. Other e-Visa types are not extendable. Renewal is also not possible for Indian e-Visas. However, there are some alternative ideas. Read and understand more about the extension and renewal of the Indian e-Visa to know more.

Vaccination & Health Certificates

It is vital to be more aware of India’s vaccine and health guidelines before entering India. There are several vaccination & health certificate requirements like a Yellow card, etc.

Please enter authentic and accurate details when filling out the application. Have a great time in India!

Citizens of many countries including United States, Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, are eligible for Indian Visa Online (eVisa India) including visiting beaches of India on tourist visa.