Authorized Airports and Seaports for Indian e-Visa

You can come to India by 4 modes of travel: by air, by train, by bus or by cruiseship. Only 2 modes of entry for India Visa Online (eVisa India) are valid, by air and by cruise ship.

As per Indian Government rules for eVisa India or Electronic India Visa, only 2 modes of transport are currently allowed, if you are applying for India eTourist Visa or India eBusiness Visa or India eMedical Visa. You can come and enter India via 1 of the following below mentioned airport or seaport.

If you have a multiple entry Visa then you are allowed to come through different airports or seaports. You do not have to arrive to the same port of entry for subsequent visits.

The list of airports and seaports will be revised every few months, so keep checking this list on this website and bookmark it.

This list will be revised and more airports and seaports will be added in the upcoming months as per decision of Government of India.

All those travelling to India with an eVisa India are required to enter the country through 30 designated ports of entry. They may, however, exit from any of the authorised Immigration Check Posts (ICPs) in India.

List of the 31 authorised landing Airports and 6 seaports in India:

  • Ahmedabad
  • Amritsar
  • Bagdogra
  • Bengaluru
  • Bhubaneshwar
  • Calicut
  • Chennai
  • Chandigarh
  • Cochin
  • Coimbatore
  • Delhi
  • Gaya
  • Goa(Dabolim)
  • Goa(Mopa)
  • Guwahati
  • Hyderabad
  • Indore
  • Jaipur
  • Kannur
  • Kolkata
  • Kannur
  • Lucknow
  • Madurai
  • Mangalore
  • Mumbai
  • Nagpur
  • Port Blair
  • Pune
  • Tiruchirapalli
  • Trivandrum
  • Varanasi
  • Vishakhapatnam

Or these designated seaports:

  • Chennai
  • Cochin
  • Goa
  • Mangalore
  • Mumbai
  • Port Blair

All those entering India through any other port of entry, will be required to apply for a standard Visa at the closest Indian Embassy or Consulate.

Click here to see here complete list of Airport, Seaport and Immigration check points that are allowed for exit on eVisa India (electronic India Visa).

Please apply for a India Visa 4-7 days in advance of your flight.